Uncollected Relic Crystal
I don’t know if it’s just a visual bug or if it’s actually a problem but I’ve noticed in the reel of the crystal there is not a single 4 star relic when mathematically one 4 star relic should appear for every 10 relics but I’ve only ever seen 3 star relics.
With that said, neither have any content creators. I’m calling bugged on these crystals. No one seems to care to report it bc no one actually wanted this in the game.
Good luck getting compensation for this abismal addition.
Can’t wait for the ascension mechanic 🙄
This one has been reported and is currently on our bug board.
It has been confirmed as a visual bug.
The carousel when opening a crystal is not the true representation of what you're about to receive. Therefore, the options that pass by are not the only items available in said crystal. With the relic crystals specifically, the bug results in only showing one rarity of potential items.