With all the focus on modders in BG, does Kabam still sweep them out of Arena?

OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,556 ★★★★★
I remember last year they went back and retroactively pulled them out of a bunch of arenas, awarding folks who just missed the cutoff due to the cheaters to then receive the champ they were grinding for.

Wondering if Kabam is still doing this/plans another annual cleanup.

Just missed the Attuma cutoff yesterday so curious.


  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Good question. I’d love to know if they still monitor the abyss of legends too since so many of the BG modders have the abyss collector profile pic. It sure doesn’t seem like it’s being monitored.
  • TrapKill66TrapKill66 Member Posts: 97
    I spend a bit of time in arenas, not heaps, but I frequently visit and fight for a bit (am going there presently). I recently finished levelling an 80 champ Rank 5 awakened team of 4 stars for the basic arena for farming units and battle chips. I follow this person on Reddit, ArenaResultsKnight. They take the info people send through and post a spreadsheet of arena results. It depends on how many people send the info to them in order for it to be robust, but my point is that the top end results from a year or so ago when the 6 star arenas were reaching up into 200 million and beyond are no longer the case, the top end scores are reasonable and seem to be achievable by humans who must periodically go to sleep.
    I reckon the anticheater methods and systems they are currently using are working in arenas. This opinion comes from a broad experience with arenas, but is not factual info.
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