Battlegrounds matchmaking

I won’t speak on behalf of all the battlegrounds players but I will speak for those who have talked about the issue. Your matchmaking is broken to the max, I’ve seen posts of ppl running all 2* decks being matched with PARAGON PLAYERS. I’ve had similar experiences where I’m forced to run a 4* deck cause of your matchmaking and still somehow get shafted by being put against paragon players and being forced to just quit because there’s no way to win.
TLDR: Kabam you need to fix your matchmaking on behalf of the players who have had my same experience
TLDR: Kabam you need to fix your matchmaking on behalf of the players who have had my same experience
I used to build my decks around a consistent rarity/rank like all 5/65's, or all 5*4/55's so I could match accounts that were on even footing to my own. 9/10 I faced sandbaggers, but I did a whole lot better against them than I am now.
Yes we got rid of sandbagging but with your Prestige/Total Base Rating matchmaking algorithm you are screwing over big accounts in favour of smaller ones.
This algorithm is matchmaking manipulation same as was sandbagging.
Kabam seems that learned nothing from AW prestige matchmaking fiasco and is repeating the same mistake on BGs.
The outrage after season ends, from nearly half the Paragon players that won’t make it to Gladiator Circuit (because they only match each other), losing ranked rewards, that lower Uncollected accounts are grabbing by only matching similar small accounts and have a free pass to GC, will be hilarious.
Why you just don’t make matchmaking totally random within the same bracket in Victory Track?
Where is the problem with that?
If it is the miss matches at the start, just give higher accounts a kick start on higher brackets ffs.
Since matchmaking changes my main 3.5mil account struggles stuck at VT Vibranium bracket matching other sweaty 3mil+ accounts, while my second 300k Cavalier account fly through brackets unbeatable to Gladiator Circuit, matching other small new players accounts.
My small account will receive ranked rewards while my main can’t 😠
Thanks for punishing progress in a progress based game.
That’s a great business plan.
It is at least infuriating 😡
They absolutely need to make some adjustments to matchmaking next season but allowing sandbagging again is not the solution.
I completely disagree. This is screwing paragon players, the most because there is the biggest gap in rosters at the top you can have 1million hero rating and get to paragon and face people that have a 4 million hero rating. The difference of those rosters is drastic. It’s far easier now for cavalier players. And thrown breaker players to climb the ranks. I’m moving up much faster with my small cavalier account. I was diamond won the first two seasons with my paragon account and now I’ve been sitting at gold one for close to 60 matches when I lost only three matches to get to gold one before the change.
If you put in 3 r4 6 then you never face anyone w more than 3 r4 6.
If your highest is 10 r5 4* then you never face more than someone w 10 r5 4*
They will never do this as the biggest spenders will cry and Moan about how they cannot use their “diverse decks” they’ve spent a college tuition to obtain.
But that’s an easy fix that would literally flatline the sandbagging issue and make the mode all about skill.
Then he raged harder when his brilliant plan to start sandbagging resulted in being forced to take 3 x 1* champs during the selection phase.
My face now hurts because I neither smile nor laugh in a month like I have in the last 20 minutes.