Need information about Weapon X

Old player.
Started from 2017
I had a wishlist of champs. Its almost done
The champs i used to post about on twitter back in the days were
- cgr, knull, profX and silver surfer
- they were eventually released and i got all of them.
- and i got 5 star Wolverine and thanos and kang too.
The only champ Missing from my wishlist is weapon X
I was excited when it was released.
I didn't get him this time around with banquet crystal.
So what other ways to get a 5 star weapon X? Kindly share the info.
I dont have much gold. Hence i dont rank up 6 stats. I only want to know 5 star info.
Started from 2017
I had a wishlist of champs. Its almost done
The champs i used to post about on twitter back in the days were
- cgr, knull, profX and silver surfer
- they were eventually released and i got all of them.
- and i got 5 star Wolverine and thanos and kang too.
The only champ Missing from my wishlist is weapon X
I was excited when it was released.
I didn't get him this time around with banquet crystal.
So what other ways to get a 5 star weapon X? Kindly share the info.
I dont have much gold. Hence i dont rank up 6 stats. I only want to know 5 star info.
Pulled him from a crystal in December and took him straight to R5. His only task will be BG defender, where he will do well.
I just got Weapon X last week (and Jessica Jones), so after 8 years i finally got a trophy champ lol but i got both as 5* only
ps already R5 and used gem on him, he s sig 80 if im not mistaken, i hope he does well defending in BGs