Battlegrounds Season 4 Node

GeneralMerceGeneralMerce Member Posts: 236 ★★
Buff 1: Electric Defense - 2: Each time the Defender is Struck while under the effect of an Armor Up Buff they will Power Burn the Attacker for 10% of a Bar of Power. Power Burn Damage scales with each Armor Up Buff, as well as the Defender's Base Attack.

Buff 2: Hit Me, I Dare You: When Struck the Defender gains a Chitin Charge. At 10 all Charges are Removed and the Defender gains an Armor Up Buff increasing Armor by 50% lasting 30 seconds.

it sounds like we need to be perma-banning Galan and Rintrah and stacking decks with armor up, armor break and nullify champs? Tech/Cosmic/Mystics. Gotta get those armor up champs ranked up!

Who you think will be this meta's MVP?


  • LeopoldLeopold Member Posts: 4
    This is crazy difficult
  • LeopoldLeopold Member Posts: 4
    Any help on counters for this hit me I dare you node???
  • Aguia29Aguia29 Member Posts: 1
    I am not understanding the purpose of having fights the way it is now in battlegrounds. It is anoying. You hit the defender and the damage on your champion is greater than in the defender. No sense at all.
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 582 ★★★
    No point in banning Rintrah, his neutralize is not working on armor up buffs from the node. Same for Tigra. Better to go for Falcon or AA.
  • DoomTorchHercNickXDoomTorchHercNickX Member Posts: 34
    AA is great option.
    Hulking and Galan are great in this meta.
    I've galan so doing good with him only
  • antiheldheldantiheldheld Member Posts: 6
    amazing that the way to win is.... by not playing at all.. think about that one...
  • Beeildered1Beeildered1 Member Posts: 1
    Antiheldheld is correct. Losing fights by hitting your opponent is just ridiculous. Who comes up with this garbage?
  • MullynationMullynation Member Posts: 8
    Season 4 is a complete waste of time! What a disappointment Kabam.
  • BlackOracleBlackOracle Member Posts: 256 ★★★
    This season has shown me that if a player pauses for more than 30 secs it should be an automatic loss for them. Seeing it too many times with this meta people are pausing. It's dumb and aggravating to see the timer get down and the match only lasts 50secs.
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