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Now that the Banquet Event is over, here’s why I miss the Gifting Event (and liked it better)

ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Posts: 420 ★★★
I love the idea of being able to just buy your own crystals with units, so that part of the Banquet event should stay…. But…. Everything else about it was basically the gifting event minus the camaraderie. Not having gifting took away the fun of “hey you wanna trade 3? What’d you get? Let’s do 3 more!” I opened and spent far less this year because none of that fun was there. People still complained about it being a pay to win event anyway, so let’s bring back the fun you have with your alliance mates and friends.

Some of us use gifting as something fun to participate in all year with the payoff being the event. We do things like pop a 6* crystal simultaneously with an alliance mate and whoever gets the best pull wins a ggc. Or worse pull gets a ggc. (Rules set before opening the crystal lol). Or having challenges like which champ can clear faster by having winner get a ggc. (Had planned on doing the same with BG friendly matches). We keep a tally all year and once gifting would start, everyone would send out their gifts and do even more challenges once it was live. All the fun of the event was gone. It was just opening crystals like any other day. Didn’t have the same vibe or fun factor…at least for me.


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    SandeepSSandeepS Posts: 1,219 ★★★★
    Could still do it similar to the title exchanges. Give x amount to everyone to gift for free and trade as they see fit. Similar to the lunar events I guess.
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    ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Posts: 420 ★★★
    Zan0 said:

    Stopping credit card fraud is more important than camaraderie

    Do we think fraud disappeared this year? There’s still rank rewards for solo and alliance, so the incentive was still there.
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    ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Posts: 420 ★★★

    Gifting actually made me spend more. I'd see someone say they needed to trade in my alliance, and if no one could, then I'd go do some arena grinding until I could trade with them. While it was fun to help others out, I enjoyed this year much more.

    Same. I wouldn’t be mad if gifted GGCs earned you less points than just buying them for yourself outright. At least it would still be a fun aspect of the event.
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    DukenpukeDukenpuke Posts: 658 ★★★
    I'm amused that people conflate "gifting" and "trading" for these events.
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    Dude17Dude17 Posts: 133 ★★

    So what you’re saying is none of your alliance mates gifted you consumables during the banquet event? Awkward.
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    ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    I liked this way so much better because it greatly reduced the scamming. I felt like it was the youngins who got scammed most of the time (although I'm sure not all of the time) and I hated seeing children getting scammed of of their units.

    I did not miss for even a second the dozens of "ggc for ggc , honest girl here" spamming scam attempts every minute in global this year.
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    Banquet is far better than gifting. It made the "trade ggc you send first" scams go away.
    Global was cleansed this year, even the random friend requests are gone.
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    SidDDragonSidDDragon Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    I have always disliked the ggc(or gbc for this season) as their were many trash pulls so everytime I traded the ggc for cores and consumables but this season I had to buy the gbc and as expected they were pretty much trash. Other than the potential rank rewards and the milestone rewards I just felt like throwing units down the drain for scraps,sig stones and t4cc whenever I bought and opened the gbc.
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    There was a lot of camaraderie with the accolades. We were all trying to get certain people in the alliance titles and profile pictures. I got all the leader of the pack, we have one guy with 20+ rank 4s who got juiciest roster. It was super fun!
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    PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Actually I find Banquet better no pressure to gift
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    ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Posts: 420 ★★★
    Dude17 said:

    So what you’re saying is none of your alliance mates gifted you consumables during the banquet event? Awkward.

    Consumables aren’t nearly as fun
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