rH4! Semi retired alliance looking for active members.

We just wanna have fun and have everyone participate and take home some decent rewards. Are you tired of only a handful of members joining aq and aw? We’re 2 strong and building! Come be a part of the team!


  • Knull82Knull82 Member Posts: 6
  • Knull82Knull82 Member Posts: 6
    I’ve played the game since year 1. I’ve been a part of gold and platinum alliances in years past. I’m looking for a couple good officers and still wanna compete w/o a full time schedule. Sub accounts are welcome.
  • Knull82Knull82 Member Posts: 6
    We’re 3 now! 2 more to start aw!
  • NIRALAJINIRALAJI Member Posts: 22
    Knull82 said:

    We’re 3 now! 2 more to start aw!

    I would like to join
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