Ghost Rider 2099

It’s time Kabam… it’s time!!

Let’s expand the 2099 universe
(And please make his synergy with OG GR insane)

Let’s expand the 2099 universe
(And please make his synergy with OG GR insane)
Michael Badilino
Danny Ketch
and my favorite one:
Venom Red Hulk Ghost Rider:
what about moon knight 2099?
Ghost Rider 2099 would be nice, as would Ravage 2099. Roberta Mendez would be a possible too, as Captain America 2099. Guaranteed synergy there with Spider-Man 2099 methinks...
My boy thick, but I would prefer other versions of Hulk like
or Weapon H
I wonder why Kabam doesnt bring this cool versions of champions, I think there are "unpopular" characters of Marvel that are pretty pretty cool, if we see those ingame we would love them and we would play a lot more to get them