I’m really going to miss this featured

Today I made my last pulls from the current featured. Pulled a final 6 - was going to do 5 but decided to do one more and was glad that I did as I got a key first time dup I had been hoping for.
This featured was particularly good for my roster. While like most I was hoping for Galan, QS, Titania, etc., given where my roster is at this point I generally view any new 6* I don’t have as a good pull, and any first time dupe also as good. Only pulls I define as ‘bad’ are champs that I already have and have already duped and have no plans to rank. Given that definition, this featured only had 3 ‘bad’ pulls for me - Winter Soldier, War Machine, and Rogue. There were a couple of ‘neutral’ pulls - champs I already had ranked and awakened and at a sufficient sig for my purposes, but wasn’t going to complain with more sigs (Man Thing, BWDO). That left 19 ‘good’ possible pulls for me, and a number that would be great for my roster.
Even with the deck sort of stacked in my favor, I did really well with this one. It is the first time I got all of the ‘new’ champs, and for that matter pretty much got every champ that I didn’t already have. In part this was because I opened a record number for me (44), but even with that I did well. Looking at the @DNA3000 Gatcha Math & the featured analysis, on average I would have seen 20 of the champs in the crystal, but thanks to my last three pulls I actually saw 22 of them. Only ones I didn’t pull were War Machine (which I’m happy about) and Maw (who I’ll admit I would have liked to dupe). Definitely surpassed all of my objectives on this one, although I did have a couple more ‘non critical’ dups that would have been nice to get including Gorr, Wiccan, and the aforementioned Maw. Even with that, extremely happy with how this one netted out for me.
Aside from Scarlet Witch my first 10 pulls weren’t particularly good, but after that it really took off. In total, 9 ‘bad’ pulls, 6 neutral pulls, and 29 good or great pulls.
Scarlet Witch
Man Thing Dup
Rogue Dup
Winter Soldier Dup
Man Thing Dup
Winter Soldier Dup
Star lord first dup
Man Thing Dup
Rocket racoon
Winter Soldier Dup
Titania 1st dup
Star lord dup
Thor 1st Dup
Prof X 1st Dup
Hulkbuster 1st Dup
Star lord dup
Quicksilver 1st dup
Scarlet Witch 1st Dup
Miles Morales 1st Dup
Scarlet Witch Dup
Galan 1st Dup
Galan Dup
Miles Morales dup
Rogue Dup
Rocket Racoon 1st dup
Winter Soldier Dup
Groot 1st dup
Rocket Racoon dup
Mr Negative
Archangel dup
Shang chi 1st Dup
Pretty unlikely that the next featured is going to be any where near as good for my roster as this one has been, but still will open 9-10 next Tuesday.
This featured was particularly good for my roster. While like most I was hoping for Galan, QS, Titania, etc., given where my roster is at this point I generally view any new 6* I don’t have as a good pull, and any first time dupe also as good. Only pulls I define as ‘bad’ are champs that I already have and have already duped and have no plans to rank. Given that definition, this featured only had 3 ‘bad’ pulls for me - Winter Soldier, War Machine, and Rogue. There were a couple of ‘neutral’ pulls - champs I already had ranked and awakened and at a sufficient sig for my purposes, but wasn’t going to complain with more sigs (Man Thing, BWDO). That left 19 ‘good’ possible pulls for me, and a number that would be great for my roster.
Even with the deck sort of stacked in my favor, I did really well with this one. It is the first time I got all of the ‘new’ champs, and for that matter pretty much got every champ that I didn’t already have. In part this was because I opened a record number for me (44), but even with that I did well. Looking at the @DNA3000 Gatcha Math & the featured analysis, on average I would have seen 20 of the champs in the crystal, but thanks to my last three pulls I actually saw 22 of them. Only ones I didn’t pull were War Machine (which I’m happy about) and Maw (who I’ll admit I would have liked to dupe). Definitely surpassed all of my objectives on this one, although I did have a couple more ‘non critical’ dups that would have been nice to get including Gorr, Wiccan, and the aforementioned Maw. Even with that, extremely happy with how this one netted out for me.
Aside from Scarlet Witch my first 10 pulls weren’t particularly good, but after that it really took off. In total, 9 ‘bad’ pulls, 6 neutral pulls, and 29 good or great pulls.
Scarlet Witch
Man Thing Dup
Rogue Dup
Winter Soldier Dup
Man Thing Dup
Winter Soldier Dup
Star lord first dup
Man Thing Dup
Rocket racoon
Winter Soldier Dup
Titania 1st dup
Star lord dup
Thor 1st Dup
Prof X 1st Dup
Hulkbuster 1st Dup
Star lord dup
Quicksilver 1st dup
Scarlet Witch 1st Dup
Miles Morales 1st Dup
Scarlet Witch Dup
Galan 1st Dup
Galan Dup
Miles Morales dup
Rogue Dup
Rocket Racoon 1st dup
Winter Soldier Dup
Groot 1st dup
Rocket Racoon dup
Mr Negative
Archangel dup
Shang chi 1st Dup
Pretty unlikely that the next featured is going to be any where near as good for my roster as this one has been, but still will open 9-10 next Tuesday.
one day