LF paragon player for session 40 ( AW p3 AQ map 6 )

LF experience player
( paragon ) +1400k for prestige and have more then +25 r3 6* champs
I'm looking to replace and rebuild some of my ally members cuz they reach there limits and some of them taking a break from the game and doesn't care about it like before
For AQ we play map 6 cuz it's free and more then 550m per week ranking below 350
For AW we are P3 for 4 session in a row and the last season we had kinda break from AW and for next season we will try to push more towards p2 so i need some players with good focus on that
For BG we take a good care of it and pushing towards the best rewards we can get
We take great rewards with a reasonable effort and we understand life and game all of us are adults so no pressure everyone know there part
My ally member speaks Arabic and English you should know that there is defrent nationality and everything is greatly organized
Everything that matters will be spoken in English
and you can chat with us there's no language issues most of people will respond in English
Both game and Line id is ipvfury


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