Counters for 6.1.1 No Retreat

I recently completed Act 5. Now I'm on 6.1.1 and struggling with the node. Which path do I take (i tried the agent venom one but red skull was very very difficult) and is there any counters? Here is my 5 and 6 star roster.

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
On my first push for cav I just took block damage and tried not to dash back, took me a few tries but eventually did it without any revives or boosts, and yes I took Agent Venom and Red Skull too that's the easiest path so if you can't do that one, you probably won't be able to do the rest.
I suggest you go for Act 5 exploration first until you have a better roster, it's either that or using revives and boosts.
Focus on Act 5 exploration meanwhile, cause even if you want to do it without counters you need r5 5* to do it unless you're a God at the game which let's face 80% of the playerbase is not.
I took the path Joe Fixit to Winter Soldier.
With the global node you just have to make sure you don’t dash back 2 times in a row and be careful agains special attacks.
Fairly simple just watch out for the global node and bait his Special 1 attacks and block them. Sp2 you can’t really dodge because it would activate the Degeneration.
I recommend using your Shang chi, Xbones or just a top champ that isn’t mystic.
Watch out for explosive personality and the global node. Try to keep him to sp1 if you can otherwise you have to double dex his sp2.
I don’t know longshot too well but he can probably nullify his armour if you accidentally hit his block, otherwise Shang chi’s slow will be useful to remove his astral evade.
He could be tough with your roster as you need to bleed him or take block damage.
Squirrel girl has bleeds but I’m unsure how good they are. Anyone who has good bleed damage or block damage can take him but keep an eye out for the nodes.
Shang chi deals high damage through the block on sp2.
you need a heal blocker otherwise you will take a big chunk of damage in the last 15%. Also watch out for the global node again. Fairly easy defender but try to keep him to sp2 as it’s a 1 hit special meaning 1 dex.
Your best options are kitty (phase the degen at the end for minimal damage), Howard the duck if he is ranked up a bit or any other heal blocker/reverser
you either need a heal blocker or a champ that can put damage the arc overload regen. Watch out for the bubble shield and dex on your 10th block. Watch out for the global node too. Bait sp1 or 2.
Your best counters are longshot, Howard and any other heal blocker
keep him to sp1 if you can. Watch out for masochism and limber node (you can’t parry). Kitty is by far your best option and should be easy with her otherwise omega red or any other strong champs that aren’t science.
Not too hard, watch out for the global node mainly and keep him to sp1 with 1 dex and block the rest.
He gains a 15% fury buff against mutants so it wouldn’t be insanely easy with kitty. HT could work but he would take a lot of block damage. High block proficiency champs are great and heal blockers are very important for shutting down his regen.
Good luck 🤞
The degen from No Retreat triggers Face Me, so you get a great damage boost and a bunch of regen.
When I did it, I would intentionally do the double dash back to put the degen on myself, then go ham attacking.
Use proxima, mags preflight, apoc, storm, storm x for the fight if you have them.
If you can clear that, rank up that 5* CORVUS to max!!! Apply 200% sp2 boost and just cheese the lane. (You dont have to if you practice a little)
For sabertooth I used nimrod
You also have crossbones which you can use, he can reduce ability accuracy
Also Ironman works fine against him with armor breaks.