Do you like where the striker button is on your screen?

GeneralMerceGeneralMerce Member Posts: 242 ★★
edited February 2023 in General Discussion
I am tried of hitting the striker button while I am dashing back and/or dexing. Sure, if I accidently do it when dexing I usually get an unplanned intercept, HOWEVER, it completely messes up my rotation. It is a horrible screen placement and I shouldn't be "accidentally" hitting it as often.

can we test the striker button on the right side of the screen?

like for petition!

Do you like where the striker button is on your screen? 52 votes

keep it on left side of screen above special
GroundedWisdomHort4SpeedbumpGK_23AmaadAkiraIvarTheBonelessPikoluLordSmasherFabriciusMother_FlerkenGreekhitEwell65SSS69YsFFurrymoosenAva_x1spidyjedi84qm44Ace2319Salve_maker05willrun4adonut 34 votes
move it to upper left side of screen
Garloo_oBe_SomebodySirGamesBondYogesh_123Cvlr 6 votes
move it to lower right side of screen
Maverick75K00shMaanNetbreakerBarney_StinsonGeneralMerceAnsh_Ashut_up_heather 7 votes
move it to upper right side of screen
Darth_Stewie_Sham_Ctfz35LegionnaireSparky9494 5 votes


  • Bunny425Bunny425 Member Posts: 17
    Yup same happened with me
    Most of the time i accidentally hit that button while dexing attack
    And that time opponent rushes on me and i got screwed...
  • Bunny425Bunny425 Member Posts: 17
    I think that button should be next to ap button
    So that we can get space to dex
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,151 ★★★★
    Just swipe the relic button left, straight out of the screen. No one cares about relics, and it doesn't matter :)
  • Jkw634Jkw634 Member Posts: 297 ★★
    Prefer to have the option to remove it. Strikers are worthless and actually cost me matches in bg all the time once full because you accidentally hit it and your striker hits into a blocking opponent and they counter.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★
    I don't like the exact placement of it but also think it makes the most sense to be in that general area.

    What I am interested in is if there couldn't be some way to make it a drag and drop customization option so we can position it where it fits best for our individual devices and hand/finger placement. There are other games I have seen where you can adjust where the onscreen controls are but I have no idea what goes in to providing that and if it would be possible in MCOC.
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