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Why the monthly quests began so hard?!

After adding a new difficulty other difficulties, such as Uncollected, became too hard. Wtf? I can even pass it with 40000 heros rank, however it's recommended only 20000 in the beginning, I can't even pass the first missions. Wtf, kabam? I spent so many revivals and energy items and I couldn't pass none of the missions in the last monthly quest with absorbing man. I deleted this **** game until you won't fix it


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    SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    457Abd said:

    After adding a new difficulty other difficulties, such as Uncollected, became too hard. Wtf? I can even pass it with 40000 heros rank, however it's recommended only 20000 in the beginning, I can't even pass the first missions. Wtf, kabam? I spent so many revivals and energy items and I couldn't pass none of the missions in the last monthly quest with absorbing man. I deleted this **** game until you won't fix it

    no offense dude but if you cant pass a 20k rated quest with a 40k team its probably not kabams fault...
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    ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Posts: 3,105 ★★★★★

    Kabam probably increased the difficulty after the Banquet event, when everyone got tons of 6* shards and 6* heroes. it only makes sense to increase difficulty after an increase in rewards

    Absolutely. A lot of the community walked away with R3-R5 materials from the Banquet and it's causing a meta-shift. The Dev team figures that in the name of balance, they'd have to increase the difficulty and then went too far and had to dial it back to a more reasonable difficulty and chances are they'll keep tuning the difficulty back and forth until they find a perfect sweet spot.
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    B_luewhale77B_luewhale77 Posts: 16
    I can’t understand how the monthly quest has become much harder but the rewards have stay the same sounds like a cash grab to me I’m. Avid player I spend money on game during the holidays but really you made uncollected and lower levels ridiculous
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