LF 13+ prestige member for stable, no-drama ally. 6x5. P4. LINE required

Looking for two people. Please message ODP in game it odp1 on LINE.


  • ODPODP Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2023
    Once again we are looking for one. Please message odp1 or chewithblingon through LINE
  • X_E_CutionerX_E_Cutioner Member Posts: 155
    Still looking? I can't seem to send you a message on Line ... Id - introv.
  • ODPODP Member Posts: 42
    Once again looking for one. Please message ODP in game or odp1 on LINE.
  • ODPODP Member Posts: 42
    Had someone flake, so Once again looking for one. Please message ODP in game or odp1 on LINE
  • ODPODP Member Posts: 42
    We've filled our spot, thanks to those who reached out. We always have turnover at seasons end if you'd like to reach out then
  • ODPODP Member Posts: 42
    Just kidding, need 1 again. Message me ODP in game, or odp1 on LINE
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