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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Relic Alloy Shortage - Some Ideas

DalBotDalBot Posts: 1,628 ★★★★★
edited February 2023 in Suggestions and Requests
So as many of us know, ever since relics have been introduced the access to the materials to rank up 5* relics has been sparse, to say the least. We get 5x 10% random crystals from Glory, 2x 25% crystals from BG Store and maybe 1x 10% crystal from side quest objectives. Needless to say that this is preventing so many of us from being able to take a 5* even to Rank 2, which limits their usability and puts those in high prestige alliances at a disadvantage.

Here are some suggestions:

* Put a 10% crystal in the daily Thronebreaker deal
* Maybe add some crystals to AQ rewards. Possibly even % selectors for top AQ alliances.
* Some deals that include alloy shards. We get deals with every other resource in the game, including R4 and even R5 resources, but nothing so far for relics.
* Put some alloy shards in monthly EQ.

Really ANYTHING at all would improve this situation. Any other thoughts/suggestions to be constructive would be great.
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


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    Ironside47Ironside47 Posts: 470 ★★★
    Maybe update the Solo crystals. The “supreme” version is 4* materials and arena boosts, as if they haven’t already got a dedicated crystal.

    Also, maybe some relic related stuff could be added to the calendar. I’ve just become paragon, and the calendar isn’t much of an improvement over thronebreaker. I’d be quite happy for all the gold to be replaced with something more useful.

    The Sigil is also incredibly outdated. Who honestly wants PHCs nowadays?
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    Ironside47Ironside47 Posts: 470 ★★★
    Actually, to be fair, there are relic shards in the Sigil. Unfortunately, there are also Embers which I seem to collect at a disproportionate rate.
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    DalBotDalBot Posts: 1,628 ★★★★★
    Which just gives us access to more relics that... we can't rank up
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    CaryonCaryon Posts: 42
    Ironside there are no relic shards in sigil. I have been literally trying for weeks on end to get 60 t1 sci alloy Fragments and I get everything but what I need. The amount of t1 alloy Fragments Is nowhere near enough and if kabam keeps it this way at least let us have a selector so we can target the class we need instead of getting random material we have no use for.
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