I Have Some Questions About Carina's Challenges! - Returning to the Game After a Long Break!

Hello whoever is reading this!
It's been almost 2 years since I've played the game and I've just been getting back into it recently. I'm only Cavalier but will be making my way towards Thronebreaker and beyond asap.
My question about Carina's Challenges: When I become Thronebreaker, will I have access to all Volumes of Carina's Challenges or will I need to complete the Volume One set of Challenges first?
I would just go look for myself but I'm not quite Thronebreaker yet and would really appreciate an answer to my question!
- Intensity108
It's been almost 2 years since I've played the game and I've just been getting back into it recently. I'm only Cavalier but will be making my way towards Thronebreaker and beyond asap.
My question about Carina's Challenges: When I become Thronebreaker, will I have access to all Volumes of Carina's Challenges or will I need to complete the Volume One set of Challenges first?
I would just go look for myself but I'm not quite Thronebreaker yet and would really appreciate an answer to my question!
- Intensity108
As for Vol 1, most of the rewards are relatively outdated and not worth the time/effort/items, but completing the easy ones (Mystic dispersed/Asgardian Cheddar) are still relatively nice as they offer a good chunk of 6 star shards to help you expand your roster for vol 2 and 3.
Going for act 8.1 and act 7 exploration would be my recommendation if you haven't as it is much easier than most carina challenges plus doing both act 8.1, act 7 and eop exploration will guarantee 3 rank 4s, allowing you to get to paragon