Looking for a G2 alliance.

Hi all. Looking for a G2 alliance. Last alliance barely made g3 and it was stressful. Will put in the work and carry my own weight.


  • ILLUSION8ILLUSION8 Member Posts: 244
    hey bud, im an officer in my alliance, we had a rocky last season getting a very comfortable gold 3 despite being a very comfortable gold 2 alliance previously. this was the first gold 3 season in a long time and was mainly due to a couple poor players. we could be interested in adding a few new dedicated players if you are interested. would you mind sending me/posting a pic of your profile, and ill have a word with leadership and see what they say. we also run 5 days of map 6 AQ if thats information you like. alliance name is BADA$$ WARRIORS
  • RAVEN1815RAVEN1815 Member Posts: 205
    Join us allaince X208 request and I’ll add. Or add in me game Makenna or Line raven1815
  • DoomactusDoomactus Member Posts: 55
    You can message me at Boba Tea#1020 on Discord. We're a G3 ally rank 205, looking for sincere players like you😭😭
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