Arena cutoffs should be public and published by Kabam

Gambl0rGambl0r Member Posts: 214 ★★
edited March 2023 in Suggestions and Requests
So since its inception, we have been made to scourge reddit and youtube for cutoff numbers. Why?
Shouldn't Kabam be releasing this information after every Arena, like every other mobile game?

Why leave us guessing and hide the numbers? Whats the harm in telling us the cutoff numbers twice a week?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    If all top scores were always from genuine players, the scores probably wouldn't be as high as they constantly are

    Bots in arena keep the scores inflated, which makes genuine grinders push a lot harder to get one of those spots, which means they need a lot more units which they can either grind or buy
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,311 ★★★★★
    From 2017 and still relevant.
    DNA3000 said:

    In this case, I believe "why should they" is an important question because you're presenting the case as being something they could easily do and would be helpful to the players. But that case is only a good one if you believe that all things that are easy and helpful are things game designers should do. But that's not true. Many parts of multiplayer games are presented explicitly as situations in which it is up to the players to decide how to handle them. This is especially true when it is a competitive situation. Scores and ranks are competitive data. The players themselves don't all agree on whether it should be shared. Many players advocate "not getting in the pool" because the more of a champion that Kabam awards, they more that champion can become a more prevalent defender or used against them as an attacker. Why help the opposition?

    We decide what to share and what not to share, and Kabam shouldn't necessarily take that decision out of our hands. When we are talking about a competition, the default position should be "why should they release information" about the conduct of other people. I believe when it comes to how the game works, Kabam should in general share that information. In effect, the game information is analogous to the rules of the game. We should all know the rules. But why should you know how much I scored, or how much anyone else scored, or what the minimum winning score was? The people who know that information are the people who actually scored those points, and it is currently up to them to decide whether to share it. If you're going to ask Kabam to release that information, I think the burden is on you to explain why you're taking that decision out of the players' hands.

    It isn't just about a generic "why do anything?" In this case, it is more the belief that in my opinion, sharing competitive information is not the same thing as asking for information in general, and has a higher burden to overcome to justify taking that action. Why take the decision out of the hands of the players? Why are you entitled to information that currently the players themselves are deciding collectively whether to share or not.

    I would love to be able to scout my war opponents. Kabam could allow me to replay their last few wars so I could see how they deployed defenders, how strong their attackers were, etc. It is just history, and this wouldn't be too hard to do, and it would be very helpful. And *some* people do share their alliance wars in streams or in other ways. But many players consider that competitive information they don't want to share. Why should Kabam override that decision in a competitive realm. If they want to share, great. If they don't, that's their call.

    To put it as simply, if oversimply, as I can, you aren't asking Kabam to share information about the game, you are asking them to give you information on what the other players are doing. But the game currently limits the information you can get about other players, and the default answer should be "no" without a very good reason to override that in my opinion.
  • ElthanElthan Member Posts: 102 ★★
    They don't publish any score so you have to guess. They also don't ban botters (some are there for years, always on top spots) so the score is inflated.

    All of this concur to make the legitimate players buy Odins in the cash shop.

    Never wondered why small accounts have all the top shelf and latest champions?
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,305 ★★★★
    Not something I thought about but agree the scores should be on the leaderboard. Wouldnt affect me, last time I tried to get a champ via arena it was a 4 star...
  • KnucklezKnucklez Member Posts: 93
    I think the OP is only referring to Kabam posting/publishing just the arena cutoff scores (i.e. numbers) somewhere for each arena, instead of posting leaderboard information, player names, or any other personal/ally information.

    Although that could also be useful, I agree agree with the points mentioned above as to why that might not be good or difficult.

    Until now, players have had to use external sites and user-created spreadsheets to check the arena cutoff scores. This is ridiculous. Other games do not usually do this.

    Kabam publishing/posting arena cutoff scores for each arena every week would be very useful to gauge arena cutoff scores in future arenas. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 553 ★★★
    Arena isn't a competitive mode, so we don't have a "live" leaderboard like we do in AW or BGs. It's probably the main reason we don't have one (al la AQ or the 22-hour events). You score what you score and wait to see the results/placement.

    The other reason is If you really want a champ and have no idea where you are at, then you keep playing. If you knew you had no shot, then you wouldn't keep throwing units to make that final push. When playing Injustice, I remember they had a live leaderboard for arenas and it was helpful in knowing when to push and when not too. It made those last few hours meaningful and exciting (I use that last term loosely).

    Arenas in MCOC have been around forever, and we've never had a live leaderboard. I don't think they'll start it anytime soon.
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