Depends on who you prefer. Keep in mind that it takes about double the Sig to equal a 4* Dup. Of course you don't need BP to be Duped in order to stack Bleed. Mine stacks fine and it's not.
I'd actually go for Hawkeye. You may have Magik, but add a heavy Bleed to Power Drain, and it's quite useful.
I really like Hawkeye but go with BP imo. Nobody stacks bleeds like him except maybe GW. Hawkeye only get that extra bleed once per fight. Both are great champs though. Not sure if synergies come into play with this decision or not. Sometimes that helps me make up my mind. Good luck
BP - For sure - His bleed is crazy good.
HE - I've never seen more than one Hemorrhage apply per fight, so really its a useless signature ability. and his power drain still pushes their energy bar up before it drains their power so it will still trigger Limbo etc.
Tough choice. I have both 5 stars at 3-35. BP is duped level 39, Hawkeye is unduped. Both have advantages as pointed out above but I now prefer the power drain on Hawkeye than the bleed stacks on BP. Don't know how many times I've fired off an SP1 from Hawkeye just to control power gain and a bit later the opponent falls dead from bleed damage. Other times I've seen BP slice through opponents like swiss cheese. Can't go wrong on either especially with Deep Wounds but my preference is Hawkeye.
Hawkeye. His power control is much better in harder content, and still works against bleed immunes. Hawkeyes sig is just a bonus that applys once a fight unless running with taskmaster when every L3 triggesrs it, but for good damage from hemorrhage he needs a very high sig, like 150+ on a 5*.
Black panther has great bleed damage but that's about all he has going for him, still a fun champ but for best utility power control is my deciding factor.
I'd actually go for Hawkeye. You may have Magik, but add a heavy Bleed to Power Drain, and it's quite useful.
HE - I've never seen more than one Hemorrhage apply per fight, so really its a useless signature ability. and his power drain still pushes their energy bar up before it drains their power so it will still trigger Limbo etc.
Black panther has great bleed damage but that's about all he has going for him, still a fun champ but for best utility power control is my deciding factor.