recoil mastery is annoying .

recoil is key in masteries placement and it punishes using liquid courage . I wish I could use liquid courage without recoil

recoil mastery is annoying . 31 votes

replace to recoil's place in masteries placement
JohnlakshayhdsjskskskVisonxry23Anas_wick99 4 votes
Or we can make the masteries we want passive, for example ( let the recoil be lv1 and when we deactivate it, our abilities should not inflict extra damage, of course, not take life)
RomeroK 1 vote
Or we do nothing
ThereticSillyboy710GarloRasiloverDRTOSaske97Rayven5220KoiBoy18RockyshockyLordSmasherAyden_noah1Midnite93nOuxTimebombgazbeaGiuliameijCaleb1705MrSakuragiDarksniper240Crow9074 26 votes


  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    Or we do nothing
    Just use anti recoil characters such as kitty and ghost
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,559 ★★★★★
    Or we do nothing
    That's the drawback of it. You need to choose. Plus, there are plenty of suicide friendly champs like Herc.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Or we do nothing
    Liquid courage and double edge are such powerfull masteries there has to be a drawback. I run them fulltime. Everytime I turn them off the game feels so so slow, it is not even funny.
    I gladly sacrifice some health for the much much faster gameplay. Plus some of my champs even heal. Yay!!
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,012 ★★★★★
    Or we do nothing
    That’s the point of these masteries
  • JustanideaJustanidea Member Posts: 4
    Masteries come with their disadvantages anyway. Think of recoil as a mastery in itself. It's useless. You consider recoiling mastery almost as a disadvantage. Is it such an unnecessary mastery just for the sake of cost. You admit that the mastery of recoil is a bad skill.
  • JustanideaJustanidea Member Posts: 4
    double-sided and liquid courage already give poison and bleeding, these are their disadvantages. the recoil gives you an extra disadvantage when you go to get them. In hard fights, the recoil makes it impossible to win the encounter.I have to open and close it all the time it makes me spend on credit
  • JustanideaJustanidea Member Posts: 4
    Sacrificing 10% of life every time we use a skill is very harmful. If you are progressing in the story, you will see that it is a mastery with no function.
  • Sillyboy710Sillyboy710 Member Posts: 33
    Or we do nothing
    Have to disagree I just 100% 8.2 recently running full suicides only turned them off for the path where last boss heal 1000% of your will power recovery
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