LF2 AQ map5 / opt AW and BG

70mil Alliance LF2 |AQ Map5 with master mods (300mil, 4K glory) - Optional 1BG AW (S1). Teammate should be Thronebreaker/1.5mil 11k PI min. Time zone can be any. Line communication utilized during AQ series with BG Team.
AQ Participation is only requirement, no Battleground minimums, RL comes first. Play the content you want, just do your part in AQ till maps are complete. We all offer hero/content advice to grow and crush game content.
Line ID if interested : Courtbear
AQ Participation is only requirement, no Battleground minimums, RL comes first. Play the content you want, just do your part in AQ till maps are complete. We all offer hero/content advice to grow and crush game content.
Line ID if interested : Courtbear