Battlegrounds Bugs, Stuck Screen, not selectable Champions

Battlegrounds are heavily bugged! Every battle there is some issue. Mostly, you can’t select champs and the screen remains stuck. Secondly, the game keeps loading and when you force restart, you either lose that battle or all of them and see results screen. One example is attached. Sometimes, it doesn’t allow you to select champs and instead select it automatically. In last two battles, I chose first defender and it asked me to choose a defender again in second round. This is not a fair gameplay. I have iphone 13 pro and there is absolutely no performance issues related to phone. These bugs are purely game based. Please look into them Kabam

I have attached two screenshots where in one the timer is running while I couldn’t enter in
. In another I won the battle but connectivity issues caused me lose it. This is no way a fair gameplay and I am just losing my resources and time
I had a perfectly good Shang Chi selected, but got disconnected. Restarted the game and Mangog was selected instead. Infuriating!!
Whats going on here?
Not even a single bg round i can play without the game picking my defenders, or game just freezes.
This is umplayable, this needs a serious compensation, its pathetic at this stage bg atm
Happened to me to and this was my rank up game and this just made me even more mad since it kept on freezing up on me
Same **** here. It's ridiculous.
And again, you can see only 1 battle finished with no disconnect. Kabam, just tell me what should i do?
Happened to me yesterday and then again today. Couldn’t pick the defenders to ban and it auto picked for me instead
No one knows anything , theres bugs after bugs , not possible to play battlegrounds atm.
Just wanted to know if there is any reply from them.
I dont think they have a clue how to fix this really.
They dont deserve my money either, cause this is just sad at this stage