Alliance War Prestige.

WilVicXWilVicX Member Posts: 1
• What does alliance war’s prestige do?
• What is it for?
• Why care about it?
• How does it affect gameplay?


  • Hidr8__Hidr8__ Member Posts: 53
    Prestige is for aq
  • Hidr8__Hidr8__ Member Posts: 53
    Gets higher so the points get higher
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    edited May 2023
    WilVicX said:

    • What does alliance war’s prestige do?
    • What is it for?
    • Why care about it?
    • How does it affect gameplay?

    Alliance prestige at AW does absolutely nothing, since it doesn’t affect scoring
    But, it’s quite a reliable indicator to see how strong an alliance is roster wise.
    You are probably asking why alliances care for that when recruiting for AW.
    The reason is a high prestige, somewhat guarantees at least some high ranked champs in someone’s roster.
    That’s why when alliances recruit ask for a min Prestige 😉
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