LF 8 - AQ Map 6/5. Seasonal War. NO BG. Line for Communication.

[GNASH] Nash Vegas has been around for years and still going. We're currently 8 members down due to life and general changes.

We have a history of Gold 2/3, finished in Silver 1 in most recent season due to our current membership. We love helping members grow their accounts and are willing to take on accounts lower than 1mil if the prestige is at least 8/9k.

We understand that life comes first, but we do want players that are active when they can be. We play at least one BG of Map 6 and 5 and currently get about 100mill points in AQ. We're a great place to be for anyone looking for the alliance home.

We require Line for communication as we find the limits of in game chat lacking.

If we sound like what you're looking for, message me on Line: mikdrich. You can also find me in game as MDRich.


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