Please make end game resources available across all stores in each progression tier

ValrozValroz Member Posts: 218 ★★★
For Uncollected, Why is T5B available in Glory Store-

But not in Battlegrounds and Black Market stores?

Doesn’t make sense why one resource is available in one store and not in another? Should be consistent.


  • Danimal920Danimal920 Member Posts: 20

    Some currencies are easier to get. Glory requires a lot more work, so you get to purchase a better reward. It is consistent to skill required to obtain the rewards.

    Yeah, I think the way it is now works well. If t5cc was available to uncollected from all those different sources it might make it a bit too easy for them to rank champs
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 594 ★★★
    Simple solution just do story
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