what to do about missing crystals

nico69nico69 Member Posts: 67
basically long story short i bought 21 paragon crystals yesterday to get to my last milestone (70k points) and while popping game froze and 6 crystals went missing. As it froze I checked gold at the top so if I logged back to see if it went up from dupes and i’m sure it didn’t, and no new champions either. Support sent me a generic answer so should I spend more units to get to my milestone and just lose out on the units i spent before or hope i receive the correct amount of points and the crystals back?


  • QuickstarQuickstar Member Posts: 21
    I’m in the same boat, I tried to open 10 paragon to get to the last milestone. The game had the connection symbol and kicked me. I reconnected to see that 6 crystals opened but the score remained the same. Kabam sent a generic response. I asked would they be giving me the points owed and they said the same thing.

  • QuickstarQuickstar Member Posts: 21
    I only need 6 more to get to the last milestones cause I took a risk to open 10 more. I had the connection symbol again but should I risk getting screwed over again? Should I wait if I will actually get those points back?
  • nico69nico69 Member Posts: 67
    @Kabam Miike @“Kabam Jax”
    any possible advice?
  • ChiSox_2005ChiSox_2005 Member Posts: 140
    WHT isn't Labam.answerong anyone? Their ticket system seems to clearly be ran by nots now & the Moderators don't seem to be answering most players in the chats anymore. Especially on important issues like this. Og money spend event and they're missing points all over the place. Solo event & team event points to dont March up when the scoring system is identical.

    There's a chat in the known bugs section that was started 6 days ago and no Moderators have said a word.
  • nico69nico69 Member Posts: 67
    i’ve got news! this morning my solo points were given but no crystals which in all honesty doesn’t matter that much because it’s not like i would get anything worthy from them anyway. i’ve heard kabam are doing checks for the people that have asked so even without a response don’t worry it’s likely that it will be fixed before the event ends
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