6.3.1 Medusa Boss Is Broken

There is a Bleed Vulnerability node on the boss that gives the attacker 200% attack rating when a bleed debuff is applied but there is also a Do You Bleed? node that makes the defender take 100% less damage from normal and special attacks except for blocked attacks and bleeding effects. So why is it that when I use a champion that cause bleed debuffs like Ultron that when I hit Medusa with a normal attack or special attack when there is at least one bleed debuff on her that it doesn’t do any damage. 200% - 100% = 100%. This is extremely irritating since I’ve been stuck on this boss for a while now and I have used many resources to try and beat the boss but I still can’t because of these broken nodes. Here are photos for proof:

Based off your description the node is working perfectly it’s just your understanding of the node.
Do you bleed allows only bleed to do damage, the 200% node will increase the damage from bleed after the first bleed is applied (why fury is a really good option and sym). It doesn’t work the way you said 200-100=100. The first time I did it, I did it with a 5 star rank 2 sym. Now with 6 stars it should be super easy
Solos her super easy