Dear Kabam, how long is a reasonable amount of time for the AI to hold specials?

I've been experiencing the AI holding their specials way too long. Specifically in arenas, BG, and when I was fighting against an America Chavez and an Absorbing man in war. I don't know exactly how long America was holding her special 1 (and was just under sp2) but it was a very long time and she eventually backed me into a corner and killed me. I do, however, have video proof that Absorbing man held his sp2 for over 40 seconds!
This is not ok
This is not ok
It’s better to push their powers into just exactly more or less sp1 and bait it as they will likely activate it more often.
."good luck gettibg response from kabam on this" there were several threads on this issue & yet not even a single response from kabam on this
I think I'm going to start uploading those to my YouTube channel. Kabam has no jurisdiction there lol.
Against kitty the AI becomes very passive and doesn't allow you to get intercepts or parries to gain prowess
Against Tigra the AI becomes passive as hell when it has a special and one of her senses is paused with neutralize
Against cgr(you guessed it), right after the sp2 the AI starts holding block, same case for KP's sp2
~source: experience from past 3 months of BGs and Side quests and even Rol WS
Edit: oh yeah I almost missed him
Against scorpion it's right after your sp1 so that even if you get to sp2 most of your sting debuffs fall by then and the AI mostly just dashes back and spams block
Got a vidéo dextering for a minute till I’m trapped to the left wall
In BG time is crucial and to waste 30 seconds or more only baiting a special is a complete joke