Attuma or valkyrie

thecohetethecohete Member Posts: 6
I'm split between the two, haven't researched on valkyrie and how she works, but I've heard she's good. I do need a defensive champion. Both champions in question are 4* r1, going for a long term investment. I could potentially awaken attuma with a generic but ion know if it's worth it

Attuma or valkyrie 25 votes

Attuma (unawakaned)
Ayden_noah1coolspiderman17_Legotb27 3 votes
Valkyrie (unawakaned)
Hort4Josh51700ReignkingTWRenaxqqKhellendros138Tjay22SpecM6HAVOC6INC_6SUPREME77Final_OrderAverageDesiLickyRainwind76TrongNovJCK555Raiden01Ctfz30 17 votes
Attuma (use ag)
Spity68TotalMonster110ShenAbuserJohny_JoestarKnightOfTheRealm 5 votes


  • thecohetethecohete Member Posts: 6
    The other Champ I would use ag on is domino, but she's already a beast. Pushing for uc
  • ShenAbuserShenAbuser Member Posts: 50
    Attuma (use ag)
    Depends on what You need. Valk is really good champ even undupped that cheeses a lot of tough fights and i love her so much. She is even better when dupped but its not an defensive champ. Attuma does need to be awaken but low sig is fine for him. He is strong defender with some cool utility as an attacker. If u need defense, AAR imunity, Big dmg, true accuracy go for awakend Attuma. If u want to have "short fight nuke" go for valk. Awakening domino is only worth it if u max sig her and its only for defense. There is no bad choice there
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
    Attuma (use ag)
    No long term investments are made in the form of 4*s. I voted before I saw the star and rank. You don’t need defenders. Take valk up.
  • Khellendros138Khellendros138 Member Posts: 601 ★★★
    Valkyrie (unawakaned)
    Valk hands down
  • Hort4Hort4 Member Posts: 509 ★★★
    Valkyrie (unawakaned)
    Valk without a doubt.
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