[ΩBGS] ΩmegaGrounds is looking for BG focus players. Req of 450k points.

Omega is a family of 10 alliances. We just created earlier a BG focused alliance with a 450k points requirement. Perfect for next season.

10 spots are currently filled with more to join from other family alliances whenever the BG rewards are released.

Discord is mandatory. If you're interested, please join our server - https://discord.gg/89sSBDNy


  • Shoyeb1994Shoyeb1994 Member Posts: 43
    Server not working
  • Shoyeb1994Shoyeb1994 Member Posts: 43
    Message me shoyeb1994
  • Callme_CZCallme_CZ Member Posts: 8
    Yup, link not working.
    My LINE: callme_cz
    In game: CallmeCZ
  • marbor0327marbor0327 Member Posts: 9
    I am looking for an alliance focused on BG season 9. to the highest score of 12,000,000
    Line: mariuszpremacy
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