Lf an ally

LetheLatteLetheLatte Member Posts: 114

Hi, I'm looking for an alliance who runs aq, aw and bg ( has a minimum point requirement to hit milestones for S9), I use line/discord
Line is lethelatte


  • SUPREME77SUPREME77 Member Posts: 144
    Battlegrounds&AW focused ally • Minimum 250K BGs • 3 BGS War Mandatory • AQ Optional • Line Required • To Join, Contact me on Line- fallen_herald69
  • WayoverWayover Member Posts: 31
    We are G1, we have been for over a year. We run map 6 all days. We don’t concentrate on BGs, but we did hit the 11%-20% milestone.
    I sent you a line message as well as a friend request in game.
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