Carnage... how much will he go for.

I know he's awful. But I don't have him so I think I will go for it so,I can dupe him next horrible roll I use....
Is he any good for arena?
Will it go over 1.5 much?
Is he any good for arena?
Will it go over 1.5 much?
in less than an hour
51 minutes
i think
Ha, been hearing this for months now. I’d love them to, but expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised if they do.
Are you joking right ?! You can t compare yondu with carnage , no way !!!
Are you joking??? Yes I can compare them because they are both rare champs.
no they arnt, carnage and yondu have been out for a while now and just as rare as any other
A) they were just released a few months ago. B. there's never been a Carnage Basic 4* arena. C)The people who really really grind, are people who don't have this champion. D) looking at previous cut offs for newly released basic arena champions, the cut off rarely dips below 3 million. E) Members of Kabam have publicly stated that they have intentions of buffing him in the future.
with those 5 factors there, you'll want to grind in the 3.8 million range if you're going for him.