2023 July 4th

This is my first ever time on the forum and making a post. I don’t want to start negative so I would like to say the bgs emotes are fantastic so far, but that’s not what I want to write about. I am very upset because I wanted to support kabam this year by buying from their online store (helps them not get a % of their cut taken from google/App Store and gives bonuses units. Win win). I went on at 1:03 June 30 to be one of the first people to buy some deals. I was really confused because there was a ton of offers with no titles. I was not an idiot who just bought one without looking into anything. I saw it said “read link below to see full offers” or something like that. It said it had everything the paragon deal in game had so I bought it ($100 one). When I logged onto the game I did not get what I bought, but turns out I got the thronebreaker offer. I was upset as there was never a way to buy offers from other progression levels in the game. I sent in a ticket to kabam as they are normally very good at handling these issues as they have been in the past. I thought they would just simply switch the offers (they did it for legacy so why not for me too). They in fact did not answer my questions, did not help resolve my issues, but did tell me to spend another $100 to get the paragon deal. I feel like I was lied to, and that they stole money from me (I am only bringing this up here because I know a ton of people this has happened to). Sorry that this was so long, I just really want help getting what i already paid for. Ps I have all the receipts and emails from the store/kabam.