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Is Kabam getting lazy?

BabyMiikeBabyMiike Posts: 1,182 ★★★★
In the victory track of battlegrounds it just feels like copy and paste. We've gotten 3 season of unstoppable and like 3 seasons shrug off and heal it just feels like copy and paste. With the armor burn season it at least felt unique. They could do so many different stuff with all the nodes in the game. They don't even have to do special nodes they could make it for the season you can only use 4* 3* 2* I just want a battlegrounds season that feels unique


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    coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Posts: 322 ★★★
    I dont agrée but i also don’t disagree. Yes I would like to see some more restrictive VT nodes like the electric defense meta but no I do not agree that it is copy and paste.
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    BabyMiikeBabyMiike Posts: 1,182 ★★★★

    I dont agrée but i also don’t disagree. Yes I would like to see some more restrictive VT nodes like the electric defense meta but no I do not agree that it is copy and paste.

    How so?
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    Agent_7Agent_7 Posts: 182 ★★
    One man’s opinion: it’s not only boring, but it’s annoying and it’s not limited to BGs. Seems to be rinse, lather, repeat with Unstoppable in SQ as well. I agree with OP that getting creative and doing different rarity gates or even maybe class gates could mix things up. Even if you just go with the node attributes, there are so many by now it shouldn’t be crazy to expect some variety. But we have to circle back to Unstoppable repeatedly for some reason.
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    BabyMiikeBabyMiike Posts: 1,182 ★★★★
    Agent_7 said:

    One man’s opinion: it’s not only boring, but it’s annoying and it’s not limited to BGs. Seems to be rinse, lather, repeat with Unstoppable in SQ as well. I agree with OP that getting creative and doing different rarity gates or even maybe class gates could mix things up. Even if you just go with the node attributes, there are so many by now it shouldn’t be crazy to expect some variety. But we have to circle back to Unstoppable repeatedly for some reason.

    That's what I'm saying I'm just honestly sick of unstoppable it's so old having to deal with it all the time in sq and then in bgs aswell
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    UltragamerUltragamer Posts: 489 ★★★
    I rather nodes like this that are enjoyable and not annoying like don’t go gentle or no retreat
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,269 ★★★★★
    To a certain extent, I agree, electric defense was by far my favorite BGs meta because I got to use some very niche champs over the same good ole nukes. Wish we had more metas like that one but I doubt we'll ever get anything like that again after all the backlash that one received lol.
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    TyEdgeTyEdge Posts: 3,001 ★★★★★
    To the extent that they would actually give us the freaking metas in advance, I’d be fine with some continuity/overlap. For many of us, that would be enough to guide rankup decisions.

    Instead, they did that once for seasons 6-7-8 and they’ve stopped.
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    coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Posts: 322 ★★★
    Unstoppable is not enjoyable it’s just tedious. Same old attacking until unstoppable comes up and then dashing back to the corner as if you’re fighting terrax or something. Rinse and repeat.
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,535 ★★★★★
    Spoiler alert next season is make a stand and tenacity 😂
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    Josh2507Josh2507 Posts: 656 ★★★★
    I do wish the nodes were a little more restrictive. Electric defence was fun, and you actually had to put some thought into the deck.
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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    Protection knock down and tenacity incoming
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    VaniteliaVanitelia Posts: 386 ★★★
    Wouldn't mind seeing them add some of the story content nodes like the weapon/disarm/catch stuff. There's a ton of variety they could do besides the basic node combinations that get dull after a week.
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    Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Posts: 2,567 ★★★★★

    Please don't push them. Else Kabam will add protection to BGs too.

    I’d prefer that over unstoppable.
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    IamnikeIamnike Posts: 254 ★★
    Vanitelia said:

    Wouldn't mind seeing them add some of the story content nodes like the weapon/disarm/catch stuff. There's a ton of variety they could do besides the basic node combinations that get dull after a week.

    OH God no anything but those
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    J4mmy_d0dger123J4mmy_d0dger123 Posts: 297 ★★
    The armour burn season was straight ass you can’t even try to argue otherwise
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,813 ★★★★★
    I agree that having Unstoppable several seasons in a row has been annoying. One of the things I really enjoyed about the early seasons with Battlegrounds was the feeling that each new meta required different champions. Now it feels like the champion selection has grown pretty stale. People mostly just recruit the same champions over and over and play around the Unstoppable. You play normally for a few seconds, then dance around for a few seconds, then do that over and over again until the defender is knocked out.

    I think a lot of my problems with the nodes in the last few seasons have boils down to them being boring to counter rather than fun to play with.
    Vanitelia said:

    Wouldn't mind seeing them add some of the story content nodes like the weapon/disarm/catch stuff. There's a ton of variety they could do besides the basic node combinations that get dull after a week.

    I think that would be fun. I personally really grew to like several of the paradox nodes after the changes they made to them to make them less punishing, and I was sad to see them go in Act 8. I had hoped to maybe see them pop up in TBEQ, but sadly that hasn't been the case.

    I'm not quite as much in love with the Weapon nodes in general, but there were certainly a few that were really fun.
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    OurobørosOurobøros Posts: 1,331 ★★★★
    The 2, 3 and 4* idea is actually good. Would balance a little and it wouldn’t be winning over roaster but winning over skill
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