Was it necessary to make an entire new thread when you already commented on the reveal trailer thread literally just made a few minutes ago.
Calm down I've began the making of this thread before the other thread u talk about was created.. then I took screenshots to post here and it took a few mins and meanwhile the thread was created but I didn't know that
Was it necessary to make an entire new thread when you already commented on the reveal trailer thread literally just made a few minutes ago.
Calm down I've began the making of this thread before the other thread u talk about was created.. then I took screenshots to post here and it took a few mins and meanwhile the thread was created but I didn't know that
You still took the time to comment there before posting soooo
Was it necessary to make an entire new thread when you already commented on the reveal trailer thread literally just made a few minutes ago.
Calm down I've began the making of this thread before the other thread u talk about was created.. then I took screenshots to post here and it took a few mins and meanwhile the thread was created but I didn't know that
You still took the time to comment there before posting soooo
and the purple costumed one is Sarah (sister).
So which one do you think Kabam have put in the game?