What the Friday is this Trello Board

AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
For starters, I don't have a 6* Zemo
My 5* Zemo is just a R3
And if I get a 6*, I would still take him up to R4 bcoz I like him for his consistent damage & utility, not for that root lock
BUT.....the principle that something being addressed on a website that more than 99% of the player base doesn't even know about, let alone being a regular visitor of it, somehow justifies this whole situation of addressing issues on that board is absurd
Not shocking bcoz it's Kabam, but truly absurd

IMO even addressing a change on the forums is not enough but it would've been a lot more reasonable than whatever the Trello is
That Trello board hardly gets any traffic
Even people in master alliances don't visit it for updates
It's not at all reasonable to expect players to be aware of something going on the Trello board

IMO if something isn't communicated via an in game mail, then it didn't happen
Most people don't visit forums, they don't watch YouTube videos, & most certainly don't go to the Trello board

This whole situation is just another massive L from Kabam....Not their first one this month, & it surely won't be their last


  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    The whole time reading this post I indeed was like. WTF is a trello board. I don`t visit the forums too often anymore since I don`t play the game as much as I used to. But since when did they start using it?
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★
    Um...it's on a separate web site because that's how Trello works. it's not a nonsense tool, and they didn't develop it.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★

    Um...it's on a separate web site because that's how Trello works. it's not a nonsense tool, and they didn't develop it.

    What is trello most of the player base will probably ask. I googled it recently (after this zemo debacle came to light) but before this week I had no idea this was a thing, and that bugs were even being posted outside of the bug forum.

    Still doesn't negate the main point - it is not a valid means of communicating anything to your player base.
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