Trouble Claiming Gold Track Rewards

As you can see from the screengrab below, I got the Platinum Track from the store. I'm not sure why I got the first platinum and gold rewards for free, but it happened as soon as I bought the Platinum Track. However, after I completed yesterday's objective, I only got the Platinum Track rewards, not the Gold Track ones. Now I'm confused. Since I got one gold reward and that's all I should have anyway, I'm not mad or anything, but I don't understand why the two tracks are out of sync.
Since a few alliance members of mine also had trouble claiming their gold rewards, I figured I'd share the issue here to try and figure out what's what so that I can report back.

Since a few alliance members of mine also had trouble claiming their gold rewards, I figured I'd share the issue here to try and figure out what's what so that I can report back.

As I said in the post, I haven't actually missed anything. Maybe buying the Platinum Track somehow auto-completed the objective, and thus gave me the first gold reward? But then I somehow could complete the objective again to earn me another platinum reward?
It's just confusing. But at least I have *something* to report back to my alliance mates.
Kabam has decided that the gold rewards should be time locked and thank goodness for that because well, there just isn't enough content and by golly I don't know about you but I'd just be so bored if I could collect the rewards I paid early access for before that timer expired!