Looking for a bgs only alliance

I'm looking for a bgs only alliance for next season. 12mil in the alliance event would be good but i'm fine with 8-9mil. I can score 400k.

Line: thesquish671


  • Jaycray81Jaycray81 Member Posts: 370 ★★

    AQ/AW optional

    No LINE

    BG score min 150k
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    I'm looking again, same as before bgs only, no aw/aq please
  • witt24witt24 Member Posts: 35
    Bro, I created an alliance [BGBBs] Battlegrounds' Bug Busters. BGs only. 400k min. You'll be my first member. Hehehe
  • ZelloxZellox Member Posts: 20
    We are a BG focused ally -450K MIN-
    Optional AQ 5/5/6
    We do line/discord
    add me on line if interested Line ID: zell0x

  • ZelloxZellox Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2023
    NVM just realized you’ve joined us already haha
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