Act 5 Chapter 2

ShokaDelicShokaDelic Member Posts: 191
Guys I need some help could anybody tell me how to complete Act 5 Chapter 2 I'm thinking I may need help with the Masteries because when I get to the bain I lose too much energy smh! Help Please!!!


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,685 ★★★★★
    If you are just doing a completion run you can just skip it. If you are going for 100% you may just need to stock up on revives. It's been awhile since I did that path but I think Willpower can trigger it. Maybe Dexterity also.
  • PloubackPlouback Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2017
    O capítulo 2 do ato 5 e bom você usar personagem que tem especiais fortes como senhor das estrelas ou se você tiver o electroessa é uma dica.
  • ShokaDelicShokaDelic Member Posts: 191
    Ahhh man thanks but I'm tryna do full completion
  • Drewbe14Drewbe14 Member Posts: 122
    If ur struggling with bane just reload the first fight of the quest over an over for practice. Bane is ultimately about timing. 5 hit combos arent always ur best option if its gonna throw the timing off. As soon as bane is about to switch to u u need to be either beginning a combo/special or mid combo/special so it switches right back to them
  • ShevvelShevvel Member Posts: 187
    My strategy against bane is start to block in last 20% of bane timer. None can be 100% successful against bane. If you lose. Stop there and play again.
  • AegonTAegonT Member Posts: 156
    Pay attention to the bane timer with an eye to bane timer so you're starting a new one just before it clicks over. I also found champs that have long multipart heavies and combos were really useful as the specials especially can effectively lengthen the amount of time your combos take giving you a bigger window to pass the bane back to them.

    Or cyc90 can work well. Because his specials are unblockablw once you have a combo up you can save them and just pop one off every time the clock turns over.

    There's not really a mastery setup that that'll fix things for you. It's just about controlling the rhythm of the fight, making sure you're starting a combo just before the timer switches.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,685 ★★★★★
    Oh my bad, I was thinking of a different node. I agree with Drewbe, practice on the first fight until you get the timing down. It isn't hard once you get the hang of it.
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