This may be stupid but do 7 stars count as a r4

Woodzzz30Woodzzz30 Member Posts: 41
I’m close to paragon and about 200 shards from my first 7 star. Would that have the same effect as a rank 4 6 star and make me paragon, don’t know if it’s just delusion because I want paragon so much


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,416 ★★★★★
  • Legotb27Legotb27 Member Posts: 57
    Woodzzz30 said:

    I’m close to paragon and about 200 shards from my first 7 star. Would that have the same effect as a rank 4 6 star and make me paragon, don’t know if it’s just delusion because I want paragon so much

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