AW Placement List - Champ Node Rating Vs Champ Base Rating

For the past week or so the BG placement lists have been showing the node buffed champion rating instead of the base champion rating like normal. It's been making organizing defense placements unnecessarily annoying. I don't remember reading anything about it, is this a bug? Or was it intended? Just can't see any possible positives for this change. I looked around and couldn't seem to find any mention of it, could someone link me to any info pertaining to this change?


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    I believe it was a glitch if I'm not mistaken. As of now, Defender Rating is no longer a scoring metric, so it's not as pertinent to the scoring.
  • RedRubyRoseRedRubyRose Member Posts: 18
    Huh? I'm talking about the defense list that shows your teams champs/node placements. It used to show the base champ rating, now it's showing the node rating. So when rearranging the BG, you can't just pick the highest rating champ to put on a node anymore since it's all discombobulated by showing the buffed rating. It's been like this for the past couple AW's.
  • BatBatSmashBatBatSmash Member Posts: 25
    It shows noded rating like you say but the total rating is based on their base I believe. It is annoying when arranging placement agreed
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    It's been that way for a long time, like since the introduction of diversity.
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