"Never Back Down" Node broken

ThaLoraxThaLorax Member Posts: 35
Chapter 3, quest 2 (boss level) path C. The Never Back Down node doesn't regenerate for the attacker. If you dash back once, it shows the buff as being active (see screenshot below), but as you can see no regen happens. If you dash back again, the defender Regens no problem


  • ThaLoraxThaLorax Member Posts: 35
    I'm on a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra with updated game and OS. But that seems irrelevant for a glitch like this
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 1,709 ★★★★
    It's working as intended. Like @Kingnaes said, the defender will regen if you dash back twice within 1.2 second. You only get a timer not a regen.
  • Maxwell24Maxwell24 Member Posts: 432 ★★★
    Never back down, never what?
  • RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Member Posts: 714 ★★★
  • ThaLoraxThaLorax Member Posts: 35
    Ohhhh, so I just misinterpreted it. Thanks all
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