After August update game is cap to 30fps only

After today's patch game feels so bad, choppy, slow, basically bad to play. Regardless of the phone now game is cap to 30fps only, unlike previously half of your phone refresh rate.
June update
This is the new update:
Please fix it asap, its really really.
June update

This is the new update:

Please fix it asap, its really really.
But this update locks it to 30 for many now regardless of the refresh rate.
I bought a new phone recently and was enjoying the high frame rates + smoothness on Menusmaps, but now its so choppy and feel like paying a premium for an S bike, that can run 45km/h, but is forced with a limit at 25km/h by the government.
Funny that is how you are limited here in Sweden, ex your kick scooter is not allowed to go faster then 20km/h when it it can go let's say 30km/h do so and you get a fine.. Lucky for us Kabam can't fine us for sometimes getting higher FPS then capped
Device: Xiaomi Poco F3, 120 Hz
Here is a high fps stream of my Asus Rog Phone 7 without any limitations.
Over the years there are so many misunderstandings about the game being only running at 30fps, not sure why when even its advertising as 120fps supported game in many articles. You can have a smoother experience with certain model phones that's it, now if you haven't experienced how it feels, it's hard to explain in this post.
Also It's not like people enjoy coming here to complain about stuff they are not affected.