
Canelo76Canelo76 Member Posts: 5
Just to have it on writing, my stash is gone,2,000 + items gone


  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,762 ★★★★★

  • JFK1958JFK1958 Member Posts: 8
    If anyone has a status update, it would help in reducing comments/posts and let people know what to expect. Thanks for your work to resolve this issue with the Stash.
  • AlcePulcro28AlcePulcro28 Member Posts: 2
    Not only Iso and catalysts....i purchased Paragon Stamp to get 20k 6* shards this morning. Never got them. Lost money and support just told me to 'stay awesome'
  • MagonusMagonus Member Posts: 528 ★★★
    I have full energy refill expire rather than get used because I didnt know we had to go back to the old way and click on "claim all". so i used a resource before it expired, but it expired anyway :(
  • Abbottj2311Abbottj2311 Member Posts: 8
    They took the notification down I’m out almost 1000 items also
  • Abbottj2311Abbottj2311 Member Posts: 8
    12 tier 2 alphas 58 tier 4 basics and 2 tier 5 basics just gone
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