Prestige 5130, looking for Map 5*5 alliance with 5000+ prestige

I am looking for 11 or 12 mil+ alliance with 5000+ prestige that is playing map 5 all 5 days. My prestige is 5130. Please add me in game Night_0wl


  • Malkup465Malkup465 Member Posts: 19
    Just sent an in game request(Malkup465) we run 5x5 and have a member looking to move down to a lees active alliance. We have been running expert in AQ for a couple weeks now (over 80 million each week).
  • Night_0wlNight_0wl Member Posts: 7
    Sir, with respects, if your prestige is higher than 5000 you will make almost 100mil each week doing 5*5.
  • Limitless216Limitless216 Member Posts: 62
    Yo Night 0wl. We're around 5k. Hit over 105 mil last AQ. Sending in game request now. Gotta recruit a few rn
  • KingSavage21KingSavage21 Member Posts: 11
    Hit me up line id kingsavage21 12 million alliance
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