Looking for 55444 Alliance
Summoner Lvl: 60
Champs: 240
Rating: 335,000
Prestige: 4,700
AQ: 55444 or 55544
Donations: OK
Milestones: OK (except Arena Combat and Perfect Streak)
Title: Uncollected
Play Frequency: Daily
Comms: Line and KIK
Looking for a laxed team. Must be 9 million alliance minimum.
Please PM me.
Champs: 240
Rating: 335,000
Prestige: 4,700
AQ: 55444 or 55544
Donations: OK
Milestones: OK (except Arena Combat and Perfect Streak)
Title: Uncollected
Play Frequency: Daily
Comms: Line and KIK
Looking for a laxed team. Must be 9 million alliance minimum.
Please PM me.