6 star Doctor doom and 6 star shuri w or L?

Just did incursions and I got rewards that got me Doctor doom and shuri, W or L


  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,212 ★★★★★
  • SameerIsoolSameerIsool Member Posts: 11

    ahmynuts said:


  • ShinobiGuyShinobiGuy Member Posts: 594 ★★★
    V V
  • JarvisreiJarvisrei Member Posts: 402 ★★
    Doom is a godly pull and shuri is definitely worth using. The only negative point that shuri has is that she's also avail as 7*.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,082 ★★★
    Of course it is a mega win and a little win! Doom will be most people’s first choice rank 5 while Shuri is always going to be a difficult defender.
  • Mohammad07Mohammad07 Member Posts: 183 ★★
    I would have quit the game after such disgusting pulls can't believe you are still playing.
  • AdokAdok Member Posts: 283 ★★
    Ghost_Fan said:

    Big L. Huge L. The worst possible champs that you could ever get

    He didn't get winter soldier and beast so it's bad.
  • SilentArisSilentAris Member Posts: 80
    Same with me after incursion and Savin 6 star shards opened 10 crystals on which hit monkey and black cat is good and Wiccan dupe others are all trash . Disappointed but happy for hit monkey
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 1,676 ★★★★
    Sorry for your lost, things will only get better from here. I hope your next two pulls are better. Maybe a blue and red Cyclops (most effective champs in game) is in your near future.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    when I pulled Doom I threw my phone across the room. your luck will get better trust.
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 522 ★★★
    Double W
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★
    Too bad you can't sell champs anymore!
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,473 ★★★★
    W Luck
  • Icy000Icy000 Member Posts: 274 ★★
    doom is okay, shuri is great
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Doom very bad. Rarely lands critical hits.
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