Looking for an ally to join

I am looking for an aq/aw focused ally to join. Gold or platinum for aw preferably and map 5 or 6 for aq


  • Rio_98710Rio_98710 Member Posts: 5
    I can use line, Whatsapp or discord for communication
  • KeltanKeltan Member Posts: 511 ★★
    Add me on Line keltan79. G1 ally AQ map5x5 and BG 125k per season
  • RAVEN1815RAVEN1815 Member Posts: 204
    Join us add me on line raven1815 or in game Makenna. Allaince tag X208
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,112 ★★★★★
    Add me: IGN is Dovah-Kin, we run LINE, G1 war AQ 666 boss rush, pur main priority is to keep a stress free environment for everyone and not make the game a chore. My LINE is Chaosmax1012
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