Civil Warrior - Get a Buff???

Hello Kabam Team,
Before everyone break up for the weekend.
Is there any chance you could be so kind to let the community know if Civil Warrior will be getting a buff?
It just that there is a lot of spending and doing to get these milestones. Would be good to get a bit of encouragement to try for it.
Cause right now, the idea of a 7* Civil Warrior just not very motivating to spend.
Many thanks
Before everyone break up for the weekend.
Is there any chance you could be so kind to let the community know if Civil Warrior will be getting a buff?
It just that there is a lot of spending and doing to get these milestones. Would be good to get a bit of encouragement to try for it.
Cause right now, the idea of a 7* Civil Warrior just not very motivating to spend.
Many thanks
At the end of the day if that is the case (he not getting any further Buff) that is fine, but not a great motivation to spend for it him then.
Just thought if the Kabam team happen to know thst he is getting a Buff then this would be an amazing time to let the community know, as it would encourage more players to spend on the event for him.
With the way the event go, can't see many people getting him (even if they want him).
Kabam have truly turn a meme into an Event
I was thinking that if they add a pre-fight ability for the dashing back and allows you to spend automatically an armor up that will be cool or he can increase the duration of the buffs somehow and each time you spend an armor up you will have X% chance to not losing one.
Maybe, idk. CW fan but not that fan.