WONG signature ability not working

The wong signature ability is not working especially on champions like terrax or killmonger. This is the signature ability

And as a proof of not working well here are some fights screenshot, the first of terrax os at the beginning the second one after he throw sp1

Kabam gave me very useless answer by email because nobody from the kabam team said anything about this issue. Can anybody answer? Or the e-mail answer will stay forever?

Hello Summoner,

Thank you for your response and I appreciate the information provided.

I have shared the details of these unexpected events with the appropriate teams for review. We appreciate your report and patience during this process. Though we will be unable to provide updates for this investigation in this ticket, you can look to the forums, in-game mail, and update notes for possible announcements regarding a confirmed or fixed issue. Because such a possible issue would be affecting the community at large, any potential compensation would be given to all affected players via in-game methods.

We appreciate your time in bringing this up to us. If you have any other concerns or questions, please let us know. Take care, and have a great day ahead.

Best regards,

This was happening end of August 2023


  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,524 ★★★★★
    Kilmonger has passives and not buffs but terrax is kinda weird
  • Hck_J4k0bzHck_J4k0bz Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2023

    Kilmonger has passives and not buffs but terrax is kinda weird

    I know they are passive but the signature ability says buffs, not active buffs so it could nullify that one too?
    Especially cause its nullify the indestructible passive buff of Punisher
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,876 ★★★★★
    edited September 2023

    Perhaps the wording of “indestructible charge buff” listed in terrax abilities being inconsistent with “indestructible buff” listed in Wong’s abilities is the reason for this?

    If so, seems a bit silly and should be treated as a bug.
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,876 ★★★★★

    Kilmonger has passives and not buffs but terrax is kinda weird

    I know they are passive but the signature ability says buffs, not active buffs so it could nullify that one too?
    Especially cause its nullify the indestructible passive buff of Punisher
    Also, I don’t think there’s such a thing as a passive buff. It’s either a buff or a passive, not both.
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,876 ★★★★★

    Kilmonger has passives and not buffs but terrax is kinda weird

    I know they are passive but the signature ability says buffs, not active buffs so it could nullify that one too?
    Especially cause its nullify the indestructible passive buff of Punisher

    Are you sure it just didn’t proc? Punisher’s sig grants him a chance to proc an indestructible passive, not a buff. Seems more likely that it did not proc.
  • Hck_J4k0bzHck_J4k0bz Member Posts: 22
    Typhoon said:

    Kilmonger has passives and not buffs but terrax is kinda weird

    I know they are passive but the signature ability says buffs, not active buffs so it could nullify that one too?
    Especially cause its nullify the indestructible passive buff of Punisher

    Are you sure it just didn’t proc? Punisher’s sig grants him a chance to proc an indestructible passive, not a buff. Seems more likely that it did not proc.
    My 4* have 99sig and the chance is 85%, in 3 practice fight didn't trigger once, i will try again and in case correct what I've said
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,876 ★★★★★

    Typhoon said:

    Kilmonger has passives and not buffs but terrax is kinda weird

    I know they are passive but the signature ability says buffs, not active buffs so it could nullify that one too?
    Especially cause its nullify the indestructible passive buff of Punisher

    Are you sure it just didn’t proc? Punisher’s sig grants him a chance to proc an indestructible passive, not a buff. Seems more likely that it did not proc.
    My 4* have 99sig and the chance is 85%, in 3 practice fight didn't trigger once, i will try again and in case correct what I've said
    Also consider if you have pacify and assassin masteries active when you test this, because those things can reduce ability accuracy.
  • Hck_J4k0bzHck_J4k0bz Member Posts: 22
    Typhoon said:

    Typhoon said:

    Kilmonger has passives and not buffs but terrax is kinda weird

    I know they are passive but the signature ability says buffs, not active buffs so it could nullify that one too?
    Especially cause its nullify the indestructible passive buff of Punisher

    Are you sure it just didn’t proc? Punisher’s sig grants him a chance to proc an indestructible passive, not a buff. Seems more likely that it did not proc.
    My 4* have 99sig and the chance is 85%, in 3 practice fight didn't trigger once, i will try again and in case correct what I've said
    Also consider if you have pacify and assassin masteries active when you test this, because those things can reduce ability accuracy.
    I know about assassination and i don't have it enabled during the test.. Anyway with terrax it should not influence it. Especially cause SS once the fight begins nullify terrax buffs immediately so it's not even the ability of terrax the problem. With Hela is working well
  • Hck_J4k0bzHck_J4k0bz Member Posts: 22
    I'm wondering if anyone from Kabam will answer to this...
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Wong nullfies Indestructible Buffs. Terrax has indestructible Charge Buffs. Completely different buffs
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    Kilmonger has passives and not buffs but terrax is kinda weird

    I know they are passive but the signature ability says buffs, not active buffs so it could nullify that one too?
    Especially cause its nullify the indestructible passive buff of Punisher
    Active buffs just means it is there in the fight. For killmonger he has passive indestructible Charges active. It is not a type of effect.
  • Hck_J4k0bzHck_J4k0bz Member Posts: 22

    Wong nullfies Indestructible Buffs. Terrax has indestructible Charge Buffs. Completely different buffs

    Seriously? That charge buffs change the whole things? But i lt would be nice to have an official answer from Kabam anyway
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    Wong nullfies Indestructible Buffs. Terrax has indestructible Charge Buffs. Completely different buffs

    Seriously? That charge buffs change the whole things? But i lt would be nice to have an official answer from Kabam anyway
    It's not just the name. They are completely different in function too. When a champion has Indestructible, they take no Damage . Period. But with the charges, they only reject damage from hits. Not to mention they get removed when struck.Indestructible buff does not function like that
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